Theodore Payne Centennial Seed Mix 1903-2003
In his catalong Theodore Payne writes that this wildflower mix "is composed of ten of the most showy kinds that will succeed under any ordinary conditions and produce a brilliant display in orange, yellow, blue, lavender and purple" We honor the man and the glorious flora he helped to bring to the attention of the public.
The mix includes:
- Clarkia unguiculata (Elegant Clarkia)
- Eschscholzia californica (California Poppy)
- Eschscholzia californica var. maritima (Coastal Poppy)
- Gilia capitata (Globe Gilia)
- Lasthenia californica (Goldfields)
- Layia platyglossa (Tidy Tips)
- Lupinus succulentus (Arroyo Lupine)
- Mentzelia lindleyi (Blazing Star)
- Nemophila menziesii (Baby Blue Eyes)
- Phacelia minor (California Bluebells)
- Phacelia tanacetifolia (Lacy Phacelia)
Approximate sowing rates as follows:
- Packet: 50 sq. ft.
- Ounce: 200 sq. ft.
- 1/4 Pound: 750 sq. ft.
- 1/2 Pound: 1500 sq. ft.
- 1 Pound: 3000 sq. ft.