"Be a good Californian; be loyal to your own state and keep your landscape Californian, by planting the trees, shrubs, and flowers of California." - Theodore Payne
This young Englishman, arriving in southern California in 1893 soon began his life's work; the seed and nursery business. Seeing that California's rich native flora was quickly disappearing, he was determined to stir a greater interest in the wild flowers.
Payne grew colorful flower tapestries at Descanso Gardens, Griffith Park, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Exposition Park in Los Angeles, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, and many other places.
His vision became the spark for preservation and the use of the native plants. Today, gardening in harmony with our natural climate, we treasure the plants he saved.
These delightful memoirs reveal ingenuity, wit and Payne's engaging personality. Tracing a life of botanical adventure, he gives an enthralling view of Southern California lands and people from the 1890s to the 1940s.
This book includes Payne's classic ' Life on the Modjeska Ranch in The Gay Nineties', plus other memoirs never before published.
"Payne continues to be an inspiring spokesman for our native plants, a touchstone for today's waterwise gardeners" - Bart O'Brien, Director of Horticulture Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden
6" x 9"
224 pages