• Theodore Payne Foundation inspires and educates Southern Californians about the beauty and ecological benefits of California native plant landscapes.

Marine Algae of California

Marine Algae of California


  • Marine Algae of California

    Marine Algae of California

    $55.00 Excl. tax

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    This is a complete, systematic treatment of the marine algae (seaweeds) flora of California. The 726 species treated are each illustrated by a detailed line drawing made from an actual specimen. The two authors have drawn upon their phycological research to offer a definitive representation of benthic marine algae from the Californian coast. The floristic treatment in this first paperback edition should aid accurate and speedy identification of flora due to the improved keys, descriptions, illustrations and more detailed coverage of taxa, and should enhance the reader's knowledge of Californian macro-algae.

    844 pages
    6" x 9"

    Available in store


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